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As a Geographer, it is necessary to know the definitions of Geography given by famous Scholars and Geographers in order to have a correct understanding of Geography and these can also be used in the examination for getting good marks as well as catching the attention of your Teacher, if you know what I mean 😉😋.

Here a few of those Definitions: 
“The focus of all geographical enquiry is place. This implies location on the Earth’s surface, the relationship between it and other locations and the process affecting the changes in those relationships.”
                                   - Jones (1984)

“Geography is the study of the patterns and processes of human (built) and environmental (natural) landscapes, where landscapes comprise real (objective) and perceived (subjective) space.”
                                  - Gregg Wassmansdorf (1995)

“Geography is the study of spatial organization compressed as pattern and processes.”
                                 - Taaffe (1970)

“Geography is the study of spatial distribution and space relations on the Earth’s surface.”
                                 - Ackerman et. al. (1965)

“Geography is concerned to provide accurate, orderly and rational description and interpretation of the variable character of the Earth surface.”
                                - Hartshorne (1969)

“Geography is a discipline that studies spatial patterns in the human and physical world.”
- Contemporary World Regional Geography by Bradshaw.

"Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder"
 -John F. Kennedy
We have a huge collection of book of geography. Let's check it out: 😍😍😍

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